


KOMIB — a new tool for creating a fair, reliable and sustainable International Cybersecurity System (ICS)

“Partnership for International Information Security Coordination Centre” (KOMIB) was established with the support of the Security Council of the Russian Federation to increase the effectiveness of public-private partnership in international cyber security economic activity.

  • consults foreign partners in the development of state programs for the creation of integrated cyber security systems based on solutions offered by Russian companies;
  • recommends foreign partners relevant Russian companies for the implementation of cyber security projects;
  • provides necessary approvals for the execution of international cyber security projects;
  • assists foreign partners to carry out an independent audit of ongoing complex cyber security projects with Russian companies

Our Competentions

  • has sufficient technical competence;
  • possesses the necessary international relations expertise to participate in the creation negotiating positions for consultations in the G2G format;
  • analyzes professionally the current situation on international markets and is able to provide reliable predictive assessments for the development of the situation on international cyber security markets;
  • realizes properly the current situation in the Russian cyber security industry;
  • has established working relationships with commercial companies for involving concerned organizations in execution projects in the context of the G2G agreements.

KOMIB managment

Our team

Dmitry Grigoriev

Develops the strategy of KOMIB. Responsible for interaction with the international community and the largest Russian companies in the cybersecurity industry.

Andrey Kulpin
Executive Director

Coordinates the implementation of KOMIB's strategic initiatives. Responsible for the execution of key projects. Attracts new business partners for the development of KOMIB.


KOMIB documents and information disclosure

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About Creation ANO KOMIB

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